How to Play
Congratulations on taking the first step to financial success!
Now, you are going to have a great time learning the ends and outs as well as the ups and downs of the stock market.
Each day, you will have an opportunity to join a moderated trading game where you will learn to buy, sell, research, trend, and maneuver through the often difficult and very intimidating web we know - or in many of our cases don't know - it’s called the stock market.
The tools and resources you will encounter, the experience, and habits you will form are invaluable. The confidence and feeling of accomplishment is the reward.
First, join a game by hitting the red stock tab
You will have a choice to join a private, public , real time or 15 minute delay game
Simply hit the corresponding tab and join the game
Once in the game hit the trade button and you are good to go!
The chat room is located on the tool bar along with your portfolio page , trade history , leaderboard and pending trades.
The moderated games are pinned to the top of the home Screen. these games are played with a 15 minute delay for Maximum excitement.
Set up real time games or 15 minute delay games amongst your community and enjoy!